Linggo, Setyembre 20, 2015

Theories of Personality

Ø The word personality comes from the Latin word per and sonare, which literally means “to sound through”. Apparently the word persona comes from these two words, which means an actor’s mask through which the sound of his voice was projected.
Ø Personality is defined as the configuration of characteristic and ways of behaving which describe and individual’s unique adjustment to his environment. It includes characteristic that are important in a person’s adjustment and maintenance of self-respect.

          Types Theories
Ø One kind of type classification is the theory of body types as determiners of personality considered in the body types are bodily constitution, health and vigor. Among the contemporary psychologist, William Sheldon developed a type theory based on bodily characteristic. The term used to describe the components were derived from the names of the cell layers in the embryo where different bodily tissues originated.

1.     Endomosphic
              Refers to the prominence of the intestines and other visceral organs. The person of this type tends to be fat in proportion to height.
2.     Mesomorphic
              A component refers to bones and muscles. This individual is strong, tough, and athletic and tends to be well built and well proportioned.

3.     Ectomorphic
              Based on the delicateness of skin, fine hair, and sensitive nervous system.  Tends to be long, thin, and poorly developed on the whole, this individual is rather weak physically.

Sheldon also believes that these are three ways in which one’s temperament varies the obese individual or a person who shows a preponderance of endomorphy is classified temperamentally as vicerotonic . Such as a person seek comfort, loves fine foods.  And eats too much. This person is sociable and is greatly interested in seeking affection. The mesomorph, is somatotonic is energetic, like to exercise and is direct in manner. This individual tends to be aggressive and self-assertive. The ectomorph is cerebratonic,is excessive restraint is inhibited and avoid social contacts. Other classification of personality based on behaviour is the psychological type theory proposed by Swiss Psychologist Carl G. Jung (1875 – 1961 ) . Jung classified individuals through into introverts and extroverts.

Tends to withdraw into themselves especially in times of emotional stress or conflict. They are governed primarily by subjective factors are subjectives feelings. They are shy and preferred to walk alone.

Very sociable, well – dress and outgoing. There decisions and actions are determine primarily by objective relationships. Their attentions and interests are centred on the immediate environment and they tend to loose themselves among people.

Galen four types of personality

Sanguine – person is warm hearted and pleasant has a prominence of blood.
Phlegmatic - is listless and slow. These qualities are attributed to Phlegm.
Melancholic – suffer from depression and sadness because of having of too much black bile.
Choleric – person is angered are temperamental as influenced by yellow bile.

According to William’s (1956). The basis of temperament is the chemistry of the body.  Each person has distinct pattern of endocrines activity and individual temperature as a kind of endocrines symphony.


 The psychoanalytic theory strongly influenced other theories as well as technique of therapy.  Psycho analysis as developed by Freud divides personality structure into three parts. The Id , storehouse of extinctive pleasure seeking impulses of libido or sexual desire, the ego controls the expression of this impulses in accordance with the demands of social reality, and ; the superego , or seat of the individuals moral Ideas of right and wrong. The ego must compromise the conflicting demands of the Id and superego.
 In personality development, an individual process through several stages: the oral period, during which satisfaction centre around sucking and mouth activities.  The anal period, during which bowel control is achieved; the phallic – Oedipal, when sign of sexuality appear and there is a strong attraction to the parent of the opposite sex ; The Latency period, during the early school years, and the Genital period, beginning in adolescence when the person achieves adult sexuality.

 Some psychologists have been influenced by the concept of field theory of the physical sciences. Based on the study of electromagnetic fields, this theory postulates fields of force which are dynamic and constant shifting equilibrium. Psychological events, like physical events, are thought to represent a balance and interaction of many forces. A change anywhere in the system will affect the whole system. Gestalt list in nature, behaviour is shaped not by individual chain of cause and effect, but by the combination of forces which make up the entire field.
Kurt Goldstein, a leading exponent of the field theory, developed the organismic theory which stresses the orderly unfolding of the inherited potentialities of the organism, with self-actualization as human’s highest goal. According to him particular symptoms are not the product of particular diseases or injuries but products of the organism behaving as a whole.
Carl Rogers, an organismic theorist, emphasized the individual’s world of experience, phenomenal field, especially the concept of self. It is the individual’s perceptions and interpretations that determine ones behaviour. From the
interaction with the environment, the individual develops a self-concept which becomes ones most valued possession. The individual behaves in ways that are consistent with the picture of oneself. The person tends to reject or distort incoming information that is threatening to the self. The most basic drive of the human organism is toward self-actualization.
Like Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow stressed the importance of self-actualization. He studied and listed the characteristics of healthy self-actualization individuals. He regarded human’s inborn nature as basically good but is easily overcome by social pressure. Self-actualization person are particularly capable of loving and of being loved in the fullest way.
          Self-actualization is also emphasized in existentialism. This postulates that a person first exists and then chooses what he or she shall be.

               Neal Miller and John Dollard extended stimulus-response learning theory to explain both personality development in childhood and the changes that take place in psychotherapy; they emphasized the importance of the environment in determining how the individual’s uses inborn biological drives. Feelings and motivations as well as overt behaviour can be learned. Stimuli provided by the environment, especially reward and punishment, determined what individuals learn.
Robert R. Sears stressed the importance of studying dyodic unit; (groups of two or more person). He believes that the largest and most significant part of human behaviour involves the interaction of people.
Another theorist who emphasized the role of the learning process in the development of personality is Hobart Mowrer. He developed a dual theory of the nature of learning. While Dollard and Miller regard reward as essential to learning. Mowrer holds that this is true only in solution learning. The individual acquires a tendency to respond in the particular way in order to solve a problem.

Reference:  General Psychology by Agustin G. Huyong

"Application Type Theory"

If you are taking test for a sales job and asked question regarding your level of extroversion/introversion, is it likely that you might lie or stretch truth to get the  job?
If you are introvert you may feel this would hinder your chances. So instead, you respond positively to the extrovert question such as " I prefer social activities" or " I enjoy being the center of attraction.

Another application of the personality  type theory has been in the workplace for example. A sales person would likely do better if he or she is an extrovert, a teacher more likely to succeed if he or she is conscientious, or a nay seal more likely to get the job done  if he/she is confident and open new experiences.


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