Lunes, Setyembre 28, 2015

Stress Management

                        Stress Management



                 Stress is a multi-faceted process that occurs in reaction to events or situations in life which are termed as stressors. Stress, as defined by Hans Selye(1979), is the non-specific response of the body to any demand made upon it. Every demand in the body evokes certain non-specific result as well. The body responds in one way to the loss of fluid, in other way to lack of sleep. But all demands on the body evoke generalized, non-specific responses.Common stressors we encounter everyday are school, work, health, love, family, and friends.

                When stressed, the body goes through this three stages starting with an alarm, a brief period of high arousal of sympathetic nervous system to prepare the body for a rigorous activity. This is followed by resistance. The body responds by secreting hormones which enable the person to sustain a high steady level of activity to endure prolonged stress. If stress is even more more intense and long-lasting, the body enters into the third stage called exhaustion. When severe and lengthy stressful state occurs, it weakens the immune system and leave the individual vulnerable to illness. This results to what is called Generalized Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) which is characterized by weakness, fatigue, loss of appetite and general lack of sleep.


          *Major Types of Stress
                Frustration occurs when the individual's pursuit of some goals are thwarted. In short we experience frustration when we want something that we cannot have. 
                      Failures and losses are two common kinds of frustration that are often very stressful.

                      Conflict happens when the person is made to choose between two opposing or competing goals. Conflict come in four types- the approach-approach, the avoidance-avoidance, the avoidance-approach, multiple approach-avoidance.

                       In approach-approach conflict, the individual is torn to choose between two attractive goals. The problem is of course, that by choosing the other goal, the individual will sacrifice the satisfaction of the other. Among the types of conflict approach-approach is the least stressful.
            Example: Choosing between your favorites, the chocolate or ice cream.

                        In avoidance-avoidance conflict involves choosing between two unattractive goals. In this type of conflict, the person is torn between two repelling alternatives.
           Example: a sick person may dread submitting himself for a surgery but also doesn't want to live in his pain.

                       Approach-avoidance conflict involves the pursuit of a single goal that has both attractive and unattractive aspects. Is common very stressful. This conflict means you have to take risks or sacrifice something valuable to you in order to attain a desired goal.
          Example: A late night party with close friends may be pleasurable to a student. But if he chooses to enjoy the party, he would miss reviewing for his important examination and get a failing grade in the subject.

                       The last but is considered the most stressful is the multiple approach-avoidance conflict. It occurs when a person is confronted with making decisions about alternatives with multi-faceted positive and potential outcomes. For instance, in making major decisions, we are sometimes need to consider a lot of factors -- conflicting demands of family, spouse, children, friends, society, which may also conflict with our personal choice.    

                          Stress is also due to life changes or alterations in one's living circumstances that require readjustment.
                         This type of frustration occurs when an event becomes so intense that we can no longer adapt to it. There are two common types of pressure. The first is known as overload, which is particularly a problem among some employees and students.. We experience this think that there is too many things to be done in too little time. Next is the over expectation, we may set performance standard that are too high that work cannot be satisfactorily completed at a given time.

As a student, we cant avoid being stressed. Stress is not an emotion but rather a psychological process that occurs in reaction to events or situations in life.

                      Everywhere and in our everyday life we encounter stress, these are caused by the stressors, and some majors stressors are frustration, pressure,conflict and changes in life. When we fail in a major subject or get the lowest score in the test we get frustrated. You are in a hurry because you're getting late in class but the traffic is so heavy, this cause you to get frustrate. When we expect something good but the result is not,we are subject to frustration or worse depression.

                      Many factors pressure us, family, studies, friends and of course our environment. In school, when the examination is approaching and you need to pay your bill so that you can get your exam permit but then you don't still have enough money to pay, that must be one factor that is pressuring you. And one more thing, you have to study very very hard to get a high score in your exam because your parent is expecting too much from you, how will you handle this? What is written above are some examples that causes stress. As we are being pressured we get stressed. Many factors around us can cause a person to get stress. How will you manage your stress? How as a student cope with stress?

Stress management encompasses techniques intended to equip a person with effective coping mechanisms for dealing with psychological stress.

  • Diminish intensity in your life.   Pinpoint those areas or aspects which summon up the most concentrated intensity and work toward alleviating that pressure.
  • Slow down.  Stress makes people feel rushed. Rushing only increases the pressure. Speak, walk and do slowly.
  • Adapt to your environment. Learn how to control your environment. Eliminate time wasters. Control your time.
  • Keep your sense of humor.  Begin to bring joy and happy moments into your life.
  • Relax yourself by taking your mind off your stress and concentrating on breathing and positive thoughts.
  • Listen to music.
  • Stay calm and focus.
  • Always plan ahead.  Planning ahead of time avoid delays, forgetting and cramming.
  • Be organized.  Being organized makes you think and remember things better.
  • Exercise.
  • Nutrition and sleep.  Don't forget that health is wealth. Eat the right kinds of food. Get enough of rest.
  • PRAY.  Always talk to God. Pray that he would grant you the strength and courage to fight and continue life. Remember He's got your back.

                         Stress can become your motivation,to find out what you are made of and it can let you reach you true potential.Your stress can help you live, you just need to know how to use it a good way. Achieve!!

references: Psychology and You
                General Psychology by Juan C. Birion

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